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C o n t a c t   u s


We are situated in a prime position halfway up (or down) Steep Hill, and just around the corner from Lincoln Cathedral and Castle.


 0 1 5 2 2   5 2 3 5 3 7 

E m a i l   -​


H A R D I N G   H O U S E   G A L L E R Y 
50 S T E E P   H I L L 
L I N C O L N 

L N 2   1 L T



Opening times

Please note January/February opening times

Monday - CLOSED

Tuesday - Thursday - 10am - 4pm

Friday - Saturday - 10am - 5pm

Sunday 11am - 4pm


March to December

Monday - Saturday -  10am - 5pm

Sunday 11am - 4pm


Bank Holidays - 11am - 4pm

 Christmas Eve 10am - 4pm

(Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day).


We are in a very old building on a steep hill and unfortunately the gallery does not have disabled access.


If making a special trip please ring beforehand to make sure we are open in case we have had to close for unexpected reasons. Details will usually be found on our Facebook page.


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